Ungated: 2023 SRM Research Report - Extended Enterprise





Summary of Key Statistics

of Leaders have active support from operational stakeholders – twice that of Fast Followers. 54%

of companies report that senior stakeholders support their supplier management programmes. and executives for supplier management programmes. 78%

Global supplier management maturity is assessed based on feedback from all 509 respondents to questions aligned to the Six Pillars of SRM and arranged in four groupings (leaders, fast followers, followers and all respondents), set against a four -level maturity scale of Undeveloped, Developing, Established and Advanced.

conversations. 55%

of organisations still gather supplier feedback via ad hoc




of Leaders have fully documented and implemented treatment strategies.

of companies are making use of third-party supplier due diligence services.

of Leaders have a fully documented RASCI that includes supplier stakeholders.

Leader Fast Follower Follower All Respondents

69% 81%

of Leaders have developed supplier management skills and competency framework. 83%

of Leaders favour a dedicated supplier manager role.

Value Engagement Governance People Technology Collaboration

of companies believe good communication is a top supplier management skill.

The strongest pillar overall is engagement, where the average score for all respondents is just over 52%. This is followed closely by technology with a score of 49%, driven largely by the adoption of desktop tools (ie Excel, SharePoint). This year’s least developed pillar is value, with an average score for all respondents of 40%. Leaders are more mature across all six pillars, with the biggest advantage achieved in value followed by collaboration..

80% 1/10


67% 79%

makes a point of mapping the supplier journey to understand their experience fully. 1/5

of Leaders use a dedicated contract management system.

companies are not using a contract management technology solution.

of respondents report their top business problem requiring a technology solution is information management.

of Leaders share product and technology roadmaps with suppliers.

of companies believe that if suppliers are treated as part of an extended enterprise, it reduces risk.


of respondents report collaboration on sustainability goals and objectives.

of Leaders and Fast Followers respectively report improved trust in more collaborative relationships. 72% +75%


70% of Leaders have a

of companies are achieving between 2% and 6% financial gains. 56%

92% of Leaders are using 360˚ relationship assessments.

believe improved risk management is one of their most crucial supplier management drivers for the next 12 months.

fully documented and implemented supplier management business case.

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