2013 Global SRM Research Report - Six pillars for success


WHAT GREAT LOOKS LIKE Mike acknowledges the size of the task facing Eastman but has his eyes fixed on an ultimate goal. “ We need to align SRM, ESEP (Eastman Supplier Excellence Program) and category management to create a common expectation and perspective across multiple geographies and cross-functional teams. Ultimately, we would like to establish a formal vendor management office with knowledgeable and accountable SRM programme advo- cates managing supplier relationships across the organisation, and to become a customer of choice for all critical relationships.” We asked Mike Stallard what he believes are the key elements of a strategy to expand a successful business unit or functional SRM programme enterprise wide. He responded as follows: “Have a best practice template – for us that means replicating the IT programme practices, tools and templates, and making them scalable.” “Build flexibility into a framework that accommodates different business needs.” “To achieve consistency it’s necessary to have a single training programme.” “Assess skills and get the right people facilitating / managing the right relationships.” “To manage relationships on a global scale, it’s essential to aggregate all SRM information to one centralised collaboration tool.” “Ensure that value can be continually demonstrated by ensuring that value can be captured, measured and reported via a dashboard that is easy to use, maintain and understand.”

The two Mikes share a personal mantra:


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