2015_Global SRM Research Report - Supplier Relationships

In fact , this year ’ s research shows a direct correlation between

companies that are leading the way in this area and strong senior

backing of SRM , with 46 % of leading companies saying that SRM has

the support of their top executives . On the other hand , this is true of

only 21 % of all organisations in this year ’ s survey , while the

proportion that say their leaders are not engaged has risen , now

sitting at well over a fifth .

Why does this matter ? Because organisations that want to make a

real difference with SRM – and that should be any organisation that

wants to maintain its competitive edge – need to be led by people

who understand its importance . That means recognising that

changing business dynamics are giving suppliers more power and

choice about who they partner with , and how . It means in turn

recognising that becoming a key supplier ’ s customer of choice will

bring access to a range of benefits , from price advantages to

innovation – and that failing to do so will mean such benefits

accruing to competitors instead .

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