2015_Global SRM Research Report - Supplier Relationships

the influence needed on the wider business , in an indirect way , to

unlock the strategic objectives and to ensure procurement as a

function plays a wider and more strategic role as a true business

partner . In simple terms , we cannot wait for the invite to come from

the CEO to do something ; we need to ensure we create a natural

path to their door by understanding how the organisation works and

thinks , and how the SRM value proposition needs to be aligned . This

is particularly true when we look at the associations made in the

thought processes of senior management and how people behave .

Those involved in behavioural economics , a practice underpinned

by psychology and decision science , reafirm this in that how

decisions are arrived at … does not follow linear formulaic patterns of

total predictability , but instead is influenced by ‘ rules of thumb ’,

experiences , biases and sometimes instinctive decision - making . The

job of the modern CPO is to understand these better , to position the

function and to articulate the benefits of SRM in a way that will

resonate with senior executives . As the procurement function

evolves from leading on category management and strategic

sourcing into process ownership of the whole supplier management

lifecycle , the skills required will change . None more so than those of

the CPO . David Loseby , group procurement director at Arriva

Best practice : Mel Shutes , head of SRM , State of Flux

Executives need to play two roles : supporting the SRM programme ,

and proactively leading important supplier relationships . The

challenge is to find time within executives ’ already busy schedules .

The key to getting executive time and focus is having a well -

articulated and compelling case for SRM and selling it at the most

senior level . It is only at the very top that such a case can

demonstrate how SRM supports the company ’ s strategic priorities ,

and can thus secure the training , technology and other budgets

needed to support it to its fullest extent . For more detail on what

should be included in a SRM business case , please refer to

www . stateofflux . co . uk / ideas - insights / articles

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