2015_Global SRM Research Report - Supplier Relationships


SRM can deliver significant gains across a business .

Articulatingthe benefits is key to getting board - level buy - in

Higher profits , lower costs , more innovation and improved

competitiveness : organisations that get SRM right can benefit across

the board . More than 40 % of respondents have achieved a positive ,

quantifiable post - contract benefit from their SRM activities , with 31 %

reporting a benefit of 4 % or more . Meanwhile , 60 % report cost

reductions , 52 % cost avoidance and 39 % preferential pricing . Nearly

a fifth ( 18 %) claim to be more profitable as a direct result of their SRM

programme .

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To put this in context , research by Dr John Henke , who writes on

page 10 , suggests that good SRM contributes to as much as 70 % of

a company ’ s gross profit – far more than any other business function

can claim .

But the full business case for SRM is even richer and more nuanced

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