2014 Global SRM Research Report - Customer of choice






Finally, to firmly embed the SRM software and indeed your wider SRM activities for the long term, there needs to be role and organisational change. This may start with simple process changes and allocation of ‘secondary’ SRM roles, and end, at least for large companies, with SRM centres of excellence or dedicated SRM teams. 70% of leading companies have defined the SRM role compared to 41% of others. Leaders are more likely to have a dedicated supplier manager role responsible for a portfolio of suppliers. Organisation to support SRM software adoption can all be assisted through simple tools and activities: ö ö Appoint and work with a network of champions or advocates in the business. ö ö Integrate and formalise the roles of subject matter experts, e.g. risk, audit and compliance in SRM. ö ö Integrate and leverage technical support from central teams. ö ö Lean on the supplier network and community, increasing involvement. ö ö Choose the right internal administrator. ö ö Ensure there are skilled resources available, especially the team lead. ö ö Establish clear and strong governance, and appropriate escalation, acceptance and resolution processes. ö ö Establish a high-performing core team – either virtual or dedicated.

Reward and recognition can range from a simple ‘thank you’ or verbal feedback through to more tangible rewards. Linked to this is the sharing of benefits with suppliers due to their proactive engagement in SRM. Recognition can all be assisted through simple tools and activities: ö ö Create a dashboard to monitor business and supplier system usage. Recognise high / good usage. ö ö Embrace metrics – get your team members using the software to measure progress. ö ö Send out 360° surveys via the SRM software to baseline relationships with suppliers. ö ö Recognise who uses the tool in the best way – internal or supplier. ö ö Use competitions and awards for reward and recognition. ö ö Create a feedback and continuous improvement loop – embed this within your organisation. ö ö Have suppliers report SRM progress on a regular basis. ö ö Link the SRM software, especially performance elements, into a supplier awards ceremony.

Be the change you wish to see Gandhi

Putting the business first provides clear objectives, then, one of the biggest influences on successful SRM software adoption will be you and your suppliers. So be a champion, lead by example, use the new SRM software yourself, be the one to initiate replacing the old process with the new, and engage your suppliers early and frequently. Be the change you wish to see.

While each and every company and their SRM technology enablement programme will be different, there are some common elements and ideas that companies can consider to accelerate their adoption and help make the difference between success and mediocrity. They will minimise the time you spend in the productivity dip.

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