2014 Global SRM Research Report - Customer of choice





 Overall, information and technology enablement dropped from 2013 to 2014. only 8 percent of respondents use information and technology significantly. For over 57% of respondents, information and technology support is either poor or very poor. 58 percent of respondents have contacts technology in place and 41% performance technology, but only 6% have innovation technology in place.  Most companies report that shared drives and SharePoint are the most common tools used to manage and share supplier management information. 81 percent of respondents are using Excel to create and manage supplier management reporting.  A positive correlation exists between the level of technology enablement and benefits delivered.

SRM essentials

ö ö Use technology as a change agent to help people change their behaviours. ö ö Investigate the use of SaaS to build a scalable and flexible solution (both functional and commercial). ö ö Develop an environment where suppliers, the business and subject matter experts including procurement can connect, collaborate and create value. ö ö Be clear on the business case and this will help you deliver clear business benefits and outcomes. ö ö Think about your audience – usually it is the operational business, the executives and suppliers. Procurement may own the technology but they are not usually the key audience for it. ö ö Use technology to monitor / 'police' SRM activities leaving you to be the business coach between buyer / supplier.

ö ö Build capability not just technology. ö ö Create an integrated digital platform – the business objective should be the first need addressed by technology. ö ö The user experience is everything – for customer and supplier. ö ö Make SRM accessible – anytime, anywhere, anyone. ö ö Keep it relevant – content should be prioritised – then think about social collaboration. ö ö Use technology for 'compliance' to ensure operational and supplier users are completing tasks – leaving the core SRM team to assume a coaching role. ö ö Ensure it meets safety and security requirements. ö ö One-stop SRM shop – provide one place to go for all your supplier management information, activities and relationships; which is personalised for each user.

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